Author Archives: jim

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Daily Silent Meditation

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Silent Meditation in Oasis Sanctuary daily at noon. Silence is a pathway to peace and participation in something bigger than us. Join us in the sanctuary or participate in silence from your workplace or home beginning at 12:00PM each day.

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Create Thursdays

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Create Thursdays at 6:00PM. Small groups enjoy a creative process of Lectio Divina and art. Scriptures come alive through poetic revelation and group art. Together we uncover and share who God is in the midst of our lives.

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Create Sundays

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Create Sundays at 9:00AM. We gather Sunday mornings to worship through the exploration of scripture in creative ways. Small groups create together.

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Shared Leadership

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Oasis practices Shared Leadership among staff and volunteers. Oasis deliberately sets up Space for Grace by sharing space and leadership with people who may seem at first glance to be different in age, economic security, race, education, and experience. With practice Oasis is becoming a more semi-permeable, loving framework with easier entry points for all to participate.

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Basketball on Saturdays

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Young Men’s Basketball Saturdays at 1:00PM. The first fifteen on the list play five on five basketball for three hours each Saturday when scheduling permits.

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Ministry of Presence

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Middle School Students After School – Oasis works with middle school youth in Ministry of Presence Tuesdays and Thursdays 3:30-5:30PM. Fadia Middle school youth come after school and participate in art and relationship building with Oasis staff.

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Fadia Update

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Fadia, High School Girls Mentoring Program expands to Tuesday and Thursdays after school. Middle School youth are now included.

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Fadia Lock-In

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October 28-29, Fadia Lock-In at Oasis. High school girls who are part of Fadia plan to spend the night being inspired by community leader’s empowering activities.

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Cross Cultural Conversations

Feb. 18, 2017 Cross Cultural Conversations at Messiah Lutheran Church, Lyndhurst. Explore how racism continues to impact our world. Cross Cultural Conversations sponsored by the Northeastern Ohio Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church meets on Saturday each month.

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Fadia Update

Fadia, High School Girls Mentoring Program is at Oasis Thursdays after school. Yvette Thompson Lloyd reaches out to high school girls along with other mentors from the Akron community.

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